There are 3 parts of business messages such as positive messages, negative messages amd persuasive messages. These business messages are exchanged in the form of e-mails, memos, or letters. In this chapter i will focusing on positive messages which deliver straightfoward request, replies, and goodwill. Goodwill messages contain five key like be selfless which means only discuss about the receiver, not the sender; be specific which includes special details; be sincere which shows honest feelings of the sender with conversational language; be spontaneous which avoids canned phrases; and keep the message short so just write as long as needed only.
Here the example of positive messages :
Happy Wednesday Para member setia AGENS128, oke gengs untuk kalian yang mau mencoba bermain sabung ayam di situs terpercaya dan terbesar di Indonesia dengan bonus yang sangat besar dan menggiurkan untuk kalian semua, jadi jangan ragu lagi untuk mendaftarkan diri kalian sekarang juga dan dapatkan bonus bonus yang besar dan juga kemenangan yang besar hanya bersama AGENS128 sekarang juga .
ReplyDeleteUntuk keterangan lebih lanjut, segera hubungi kami di:
BBM : D8B84EE1 atau AGENS128
WA : 0852-2255-5128
Ayo tunggu apalagi !!